Sonntag, 10. Januar 2010

University of Basel - Statistics

Number of Faculty Staff Headcount: 4,083 FTE: 2,145

Total number of academic faculty
staff who are responsible for planning, directing and undertaking
teaching only, research only or both teaching and research. Please
include: vice-chancellors, deputy vice-chancellors, principals,
professors, heads of school, associate professors, principal
lecturers, tutors or postdoctoral researchers. Please exclude
research assistants*, PhD students who contribute to teaching,
hospital residents and exchange scholars or visiting faculty staff
who are members of another university. * The important distinction
for us is that staff counted as 'research only' should be
academically involved in that research and should be likely to
publish research outputs. A research assistant, in our
understanding, is any individual who is not doing own research and
is therefore not likely to publish own research outputs. Said
individual is (only) involved in research in terms of operation
execution , such as lab technician or equipment operator.

Number of International Faculty Staff Headcount: 1,582 FTE: 1,028

Number of academic
faculty staff who are of foreign nationality. The term
'international' is hereby determined by citizenship. For EU
countries, this includes all foreign nationals, even if from another
EU state. In Hong Kong, this includes professors from Mainland
China. Inclusion and exclusion mirrors those for academic faculty
staff. In case of dual citizenship, the 'deciding' criteria should
be 'citizenship obtained through birth', basically first passport

Number of Inbound Visiting Faculty Staff Headcount: 50 FTE: 20

Number of
academic faculty staff contributing to teaching or research at your
university in the last 12 months who are visiting from an overseas
institution for a minimum period of at least 3 months.

Number of Outbound Visiting Faculty Staff Headcount: 95 FTE: 35

Number of
academic faculty staff employed by your institution contributing to
teaching or research at an overseas institution in the last 12
months for a minimum period of at least 3 months.

Number of Staff with PhD Headcount: 1,077 FTE: 1,077

Number of academic faculty staff
employed by your institution that have studied a PhD

Undergraduate Information

Number of Undergraduate Students Headcount: 6,911 FTE: 6,911

Number of students
pursuing a Bachelor’s level or equivalent degree. This excludes
certificates/diplomas and associate’s degrees.

Number of International Undergraduate Students Headcount: 1,052 FTE: 1,052

Number of
undergraduate students who are foreign nationals. The term
'international' is hereby determined by citizenship. For EU
countries, this includes all foreign nationals, even nationals of
other EU states. In Hong Kong, this includes students from Mainland
China. In case of dual citizenship, the 'deciding' criteria should
be 'citizenship obtained through birth', basically first passport
obtained. Please exclude all exchange students. As for language
students, if the language students take up a particular language
course that is outlined as 'undergraduate degree program' they
should be included under 'international undergraduate students' .
Language students who take part in a course not contributing to a
degree qualification should be counted under 'Total International

Number of Inbound Exchange Undergraduate Students Headcount: 117 FTE: 117

of undergraduate students attending your university on international
exchange programs for at least 1 semester in the last 12 months.

Number of Outbound Exchange Undergraduate Students Headcount: 159 FTE: 159

Number of undergraduate students registered at your institution who
have attended another institution abroad for at least 1 semester on
an exchange program in the last 12 months.

Average International Undergraduate Fees $ USD 681

Average tuition
fees per academic year (two semesters) that an international student
would be expected to pay for an undergraduate program, with
‘program’ referring to the complete range of courses contributing to
a degree. FAQ: How do I calculate average fees?

Average Domestic Undergraduate Fees $ USD 681

Average tuition fees
per academic year (two semesters) that a domestic student would be
expected to pay for an undergraduate program, with ‘program’
referring to the complete range of courses contributing to a degree.
FAQ: How do I calculate average fees?

Average Undergraduate Class Size Headcount: 30

The average size of
class across all undergraduate programs. The term ‘class’ refers to
an unit of instruction or taught session in which a teacher has
pre-defined material to cover. It does exclude tutorial seminars.

Number of first year Undergraduate students Headcount: 1,052 FTE: 1,052

Number of
students pursuing a Bachelor's level or equivalent degree in their
first year of study. This excludes certificates/diplomas and
associate's degrees.

Graduate / Postgraduate Information

Number of Graduate / Postgraduate Students Headcount: 3,062 FTE: 3,062

pursuing a higher-level degree (Master and Doctorate), including
both taught and research postgraduates (e.g. PhD students)

Number of International Graduate/Postgraduate Students Headcount: 1,222 FTE: 1,222

Number of graduate / postgraduate students who are foreign
nationals. The term 'international' is hereby determined by
citizenship. For EU countries, this includes all foreign nationals,
even nationals of other EU states. In Hong Kong, this includes
students from Mainland China. In case of dual citizenship, the
'deciding' criteria should be 'citizenship obtained through birth',
basically first passport obtained. Please exclude all exchange
students. As for language students, if they take up a particular
language course that is outlined as 'postgraduate degree program',
they should be included under 'international postgraduate students'.
Language students who take part in a course not contributing to a
degree qualification should be counted under 'Total International

Number of Inbound Exchange Graduate/Postgraduate Students Headcount: 61 FTE: 61

Number of graduate / postgraduate students attending your university
on international exchange programs for at least 1 semester in the
last 12 months.

Number of Outbound Exchange Graduate/Postgraduate Students Headcount: 86 FTE: 86

Number of postgraduate students registered at your institution who
have attended another institution on an exchange program for at
least 1 semester in the last 12 months.

Average International Graduate / Postgraduate Fees $ USD 681

Average tuition fees per academic year (two semesters) that an
international student would be expected to pay for a graduate /
postgraduate program, with ‘program’ referring to the complete range
of courses contributing to a degree. FAQ: How do I calculate average

Average Domestic Graduate / Postgraduate Fees $ USD 681

tuition fees per academic year (two semesters) that a domestic
student would be expected to pay for a graduate / postgraduate
program, with ‘program’ referring to the complete range of courses
contributing to a degree. FAQ: How do I calculate average fees?

Average Taught Graduate / Postgraduate Class Size Headcount: 20

average size of class across all taught graduate / postgraduate
programs. The term ‘class’ refers to an unit of instruction or
taught session in which a teacher has pre-defined material to cover.
It does exclude tutorial seminars.

Number of first year Postgraduate students Headcount: 828 FTE: 828

Number of
students pursuing a Master's level or equivalent degree in their
first year of study, including both taught and research


Total Students Headcount: 11,360 FTE: 11,360

Total number of students.

Total International Students Headcount: 2,274 FTE: 2,274

Number of students who are
foreign nationals. The term 'international' is hereby determined by
citizenship. For EU countries, this includes all foreign nationals,
even nationals of other EU states. In Hong Kong, this includes
students from Mainland China. In case of dual citizenship, the
'deciding' criteria should be 'citizenship obtained through birth',
basically first passport obtained.

Total Outbound Exchange Students Headcount: 178 FTE: 178

Total number of students
registered at your institution who have attended another institution
on an exchange program for at least 1 semester in the last 12

Total Inbound Exchange Students Headcount: 245 FTE: 245

Total number of students
attending your university on international exchange programs for at
least 1 semester in the last 12 months.

Average International Student Fees $ USD 681

Average tuition fees
per year that an international student would be expected to pay for
any course

Average Domestic Student Fees $ USD 681

Average tuition fees per
academic year (two semesters) that a domestic student would be
expected to pay for any program, with ‘program’ referring to the
complete range of courses contributing to a degree. FAQ: How do I
calculate average fees?

Average Class Size Headcount: 25

The average size of class across all
programs. The term ‘class’ refers to an unit of instruction or
taught session in which a teacher has pre-defined material to cover.
It does exclude tutorial seminars.

Number of Male Students Headcount: 5,079 FTE: 5,079

Number of students who are male
out of the total number of students studying at your university

Number of Female Students Headcount: 6,281 FTE: 6,281

Number of students who are
female out of the total number of students studying at your

Graduate Output

Proportion of Graduates Pursuing Further Study Headcount: 95 %

of graduates from undergraduate programs pursuing further study at
your own institution or any other within 6 months after graduation.

Proportion of Graduates Employed Headcount: 93 %

Proportion of graduates
(excluding those opting to pursue further study) in permanent
employment within 6 months of graduation

Number of PhDs Awarded Headcount: 365

Total number of PhDs awarded in
the last 12 months


Total Number of Applications Headcount: 3,288

Total number of applications
your institution received in the last 12 months for all
undergraduate and postgraduate courses

Careers Support

Number of Full-Time Careers Advisors Headcount: 10 FTE: 10

Total number of
staff employed by your institution on a full-time basis who are
exclusively responsible for career support for your students
(undergraduate and/or postgraduate)

Student Satisfaction

Overall Student Satisfaction Rate Headcount: 91 %

Percentage of all first
year undergraduate students who are satisfied with the overall
quality of their course

Teaching Student Satisfaction Rate Headcount: 91 %

Percentage of all
first year undergraduate students who are satisfied with the overall
teaching on their course


Number of University Collaborations or Partnership Agreements Headcount: 250

Number of universities your institution has collaborations or
partnership agreements with. These partnership agreements may
include student and teaching exchanges, as well as collaborative
research projects, exchange of academic materials and other
information, and jointly offered executive development programmes.
This includes collaborations at either a university or faculty
level. Please also state the names of these institutions in the
Submission Notes box. Click
to see a list of universities in top 500 over last 3 years

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