Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2011

School of Business Administration Fribourg

Created in 1991 under the name l`Ecole supérieure de cadre pour l'économie et l'administration (ESCEA- School of Economics and Administration), our institute has undergone remarkable growth, especially since 1994. The significant stages of its development are as follows :

1991 : Creation of ESCEA with one class of 11 part-time, French-speaking students. Difficulty finding enrolments.

1994 : A director is hired part-time. Full-time classes are opened and German-speaking students admitted. The launch of bilingualism.

1996: Analysis of the school`s activities by a committee of experts from OPET, the Federal Office for Professional Education and Technology. Full recognition of the diplomas. The first ESCEA graduation ceremony with diplomas conferred upon 10 students.

The law governing universities of applied sciences comes into force, reforming tertiary education and providing schools with new missions with regard to applied research and development and further education.

1997 : Launch of postgrad course in business management, currently CAS in Business Management (Certificate of Advanced Studies).

1998 : Creation of the HES-SO, Hautes écoles spécialisées de Suisse occidentale (Universities of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland). HEG Fribourg becomes a member.

1999 : Launch of the EMBA in Integrated Management, together with the School of Business Administration Bern. Creation of the Institute of Entrepreneurship and SME.

2001 : Launch of postgrad course Business Administration for Executives (currently : CAS in Business Administration for Skilled and Executive Personnel).

2001 : Analysis of all benefits provided by the HES in the form of a PEER-REVIEW led by OPET. The School of Business Administration Fribourg shows particularly outstanding results.

2001 : Creation of the Haute école fribourgeoise de technique et de gestion (HEF-TG - Fribourg School of Technology and Management) which regroups the Haute école de gestion Fribourg (HEG) and the Ecole d'ingénieurs et d'architectes de Fribourg.

2002 : Launch of the postgrad course in Environment Studies (currently CAS in Sustainable Management).

2002 : Launch of the postgrad course in The Horizontal Enterprise (currently CAS in Project Management).

2005 : The Bologna system is introduced and plans for Bachelor studies established.

2006 : The 8th International Francophone Congress in Entrepreneurship and SME with 200 participants explore the topic « Internationalising SMEs and the impact on entrepreneurial strategies ».

2007-2008 : The Master Project in Business Administration HES-SO is accepted by the Federal Council, with emphasis on specialisation in entrepreneurship. The course begins with 26 students.

2008 : Unconditional accreditation of the Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) in Integrated Management by the OAQ l'Organe d'accréditation et d'assurance qualité of Swiss schools of higher education.

2008 : Launch of the CAS in Corporate Communications and the CAS in Property Management.

2009: Further education courses are set in place for executives and other staff of the Canton of Fribourg. The 10th anniversary of the EMBA.

Read More at Universities in Switzerland

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