Who requires a visa?
If you are NOT an EU or UK national you will need a Student visa which has to be applied for at the Swiss Embassy.
All citizens of all the EU countries can enter Switzerland without a visa for tourist purposes. But Identity cards for Bulgaria and Romania are not accepted.
If you have a passport of one of the following countries, you do NOT need a visa for visit not exceeding 90 days in Switzerland:
Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Andorra, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Croatia, Dominica, El Salvador, Fiji, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Honduras, Hong Kong, Iceland, Israel, Jamaica, Japan, Kiribati, Korea, Macao, Malaysia, Mexico, Monaco, New Zealand, Nicaragua, St.Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, San Marino, Singapore, South Africa, Solomon Islands, Suriman, Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu, United States of America, Uruguay, Vatican, Venezuela.
Nationals holding a valid authorisation to live in EU or EFTA states, Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, Canada or the USA might not require a Swiss visa. Please check with the Swiss Embassy or Consulate responsible for your place or residence.
Nationals of the following countries can travel to Switzerland without a visa if they hold a passport valid for three months after leaving Switzerland, endorsed with a multi-entry Schengen visa, valid for all Schengen states:
Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan (Republic of China, Ordinary passport only), Thailand, United Arab Emirates
What documents will be required?
For student visas, the following documents are required:
1. 3 copies of completed application form.
2. 1 recent, passport-size photo.
3. Passport or travel document valid for at least 3 months after intended visit.
4. Return/onward ticket and visa for next country of destination if required.
5. Proof of sufficient funds in the form of a recent bank statement.
1. The visa application must be submitted to the Swiss Embassy/Consulate covering your place of residence.
2. You must be in possession of sufficient financial means to cover your cost of living in Switzerland.
3. The Swiss Embassy/Consulate may demand a declaration of guarantee.
4. You may not take up employment during your stay in Switzerland without the required permit nor take up studies exceeding a period of three months.
5. A student permit is valid for the length of the study period.
Residence permits are awarded to students who wish to study in Switzerland under the following conditions:
a. The applicant is coming to Switzerland alone
b. The applicant wants to attend a university or some other institution of higher learning
c. The program of studies is fixed
d. The institution attests in writing that the applicant has been accepted for studies
e. The applicant proves necessary financial means
f. The applicant guarantees departure from Switzerland at the end of studies.
Formalities to complete in Switzerland for all foreign students:
1. You must present yourself within ten days of arrival to the appropriate in the town where you will be living with the following documents:
i. Passport (with student visa, if required)
ii. Statement of arrival provided by the bureau of foreigners
iii. Student questionnaire provided by the bureau of foreigners
iv. Proof of acceptance from the school
v. 1 recent passport-style photo
vi. Proof of financial means for the duration of studies, or
vii. Proof of Swiss or foreign financial aid, with the amount indicated, or
viii. Guarantee from parents (form available from the bureau of foreigners). This must be completed by the father or mother, certified by local authorities, and accompanied by a permanent wire transfer order, or
ix. Guarantee from a third party (form available from the bureau of foreigners). The guarantor must live in Switzerland and prove sufficient financial means for the student's upkeep. The guarantor's signature must be notarized by the local authorities.
x. The request for a residence permit will not be processed until all documents are submitted. Cost of residence permit is for 1 semester 15 to 22 ($US), for 2 semesters 18 to 25 ($US)
2. After matriculating in the university, you must pay fees for the first semester. You will not be definitively registered until you have done this and received the receipt by post. With this receipt, you must visit the town authorities a second time to prove that you are officially registered in the university.
Time required to issue visa:
The processing of a visa application may take up to two months, in individual cases even longer, depending on the time of year. You are advised to file your application at least 2 months before your planned visit to Switzerland.
What is the cost of a visa?
Student visa fee is approx. 150 ($US).
How long is the visa valid for?
A student permit is valid for the length of the study period.
Visitor visa is valid for up to 3 months.
Transit and airport transit visas are issued to nationals wishing to pass through Switzerland or continuing on a connecting flight to another country. Holders of transit visas must leave Switzerland within 24 hours of arrival and holders of airport transit visas must continue their journey within 48 hours.
Other information:
I would like to extend my visa. What must I do?
Based on the prevailing division of competence between the Federal Government and the cantons, the cantonal authorities are responsible for the extension of visas or the granting of aliens police residence permits. For this reason, we ask you to address your enquiry directly to the cantonal migration authorities responsible for your place of residence.
I have to send a letter of invitation. What format should I use, is there an official form?
You do not need a special form for the letter of invitation. However, the letter should contain the reason for, and the length of, the stay as well as details about who is financing the stay in Switzerland.
I have to submit a sponsorship declaration. Where can I find the form?
You will be given the sponsorship declaration form (formerly declaration of guarantee) at the Swiss representation when you present your visa application (provided a guarantee is considered necessary).
What documents must I present when applying for a visa?
Please contact the Swiss representation abroad responsible for your place of residence for detailed information.
I recently visited Switzerland on a visa. When may I return, what is the maximum length of time I can stay in Switzerland as a visitor?
The duration of visits is limited to a maximum of 90 days within a six-month period, i.e. a total of 180 days within the course of a year. There must be an interruption of at least one month between two stays of 90 days. Shorter stays also marked in the visa remain reserved. There is, however, no automatic right to a visa.
My passport soon expires. Can I still use it to enter / leave Switzerland?
Please check the visa regulations for your nationality. If no specific information is indicated, your passport must simply be valid for the duration of your stay.
I would like to extend my visa. What must I do?
Based on the prevailing division of competence between the Federal Government and the cantons, the cantonal authorities are responsible for the extension of visas or the granting of aliens police residence permits. For this reason, we ask you to address your enquiry directly to the cantonal migration authorities responsible for your place of residence.
I have a Schengen visa. Do I also need a visa for Switzerland?
Before the entry into force of the Agreement between Switzerland and the EU Member States (probably not until December 2008 at the earliest), a Schengen visa does not entitle you to enter Switzerland. Thus you will need a visa for entry to Switzerland.
Exceptions: Holders of a valid passport and a valid Schengen visa from the following countries may enter Switzerland without a separate visa: Taiwan, Thailand, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi-Arabia, United Arab Emirates.
I am travelling in Europe and would like to go on a trip to Switzerland. How can I get a visa?
As a rule, visa applications have to be filed at the Swiss representation responsible for your place of residence. Should this be impossible, please contact the nearest Swiss representation. There is, however, no automatic right to a visa.
I would like to travel through Switzerland during my journey by car. Do I need a visa?
There are no exceptional provisions for transit through Switzerland by car. The usual visa regulations apply.
Embassy contact information:
Please contact the nearest Swiss embassy for information on what documentation you may require to enter Switzerland.
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