Dienstag, 29. Dezember 2009

Studying in Switzerland

Switzerland is a hub for excellent education and science. It has outstanding universities with numerous programs, many world-class public research institutions, and a thriving private sector which encourages research and development and conducts its own cutting-edge research. Studying in Switzerland is relatively inexpensive since education – including higher education – is to a large extent publicly funded. Whereas undergraduate programs are usually taught in the main national languages (German, French, Italian), master’s degree and Ph.D. programs are increasingly conducted in English. Employment opportunities are plentiful in the dynamic Swiss economy and through Switzerland’s access to the European market and the larger world market. The quality of life is among the best in the world. Excellent infrastructure, safety, and political and economic stability are all good extra reasons why Switzerland is a great place to study and conduct research.

Campus and Research Park Switzerland

This handy information brochure presents the many advantages of studying or conducting research in Switzerland. It outlines the excellent Swiss higher education and research landscape and provides a resource for finding the university or research facility which best fits your interests.


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